Sunday, January 26, 2020

Online Ticket Booking System Information Technology Essay

Online Ticket Booking System Information Technology Essay Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any assignment depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this assignment. I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Lecturer, Ms. Nayeema Rahman. I cant say thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and encouraged every time I attend his meeting. Without his encouragement and guidance this assignment would not have materialized. Abstract The purpose of the online ticket booking system is to provide another way for purchasing cinema tickets in advance. It is an automatic system. This paper presents a formal use of the Object Oriented analysis and Design, we will illustrate our system by providing Use Case Diagrams with Specifications, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, State Machines and Communication Diagrams on the functionalities of the system, also we will provide some process description and data dictionary. The goals of our system are: Record performance details Record customer details Record tickets sold Print tickets Print address labels for telephone booking Task 1: Functional Modelling Identification of Actors Use Cases Analyzing the existing system we figured out that, there are two main scopes to be covered in the system. The scopes are Performance Planning and Ticket Booking. We used the below table to identify the Actors and the Use Cases for the system. User Role Use Case Theatre Manager Performance planning Define the type of the performance and name it. Performance scheduling Define date and time of the performance. Artist booking Book an artist for the performance. Ticket pricing Determine a price for the ticket. Clerk Check schedule Check the performance schedule for a particular show on a date. Check seat availability Checks for available seats Capture customer information Record customer details Check ticket price Check for ticket price for particular show. Sell ticket Record tickets sold. Print ticket Print ticket for the customer. Print address label Print address label for telephone booking. Use Case Diagram Following diagram shows the overall view of the Ticket Booking System for Theatre. Figure 1: Use Case Diagram (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Use Case Specification Table 1: Use Case of Performance Planning Number: UC01 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Performance Planning Status: Actors: Theatre Manager Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Goal: Defining the performance type and naming it. Use Case Relationships: Extend:UC02, UC03 Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User enters the name of the performance. 2 User enters the type of the performance. 3 System checks for all required data entry. 4 System connects to the database. 5 System writes data into the database. 6 System shows a confirmation message after successful database writes. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 3.1 Enter required information. A 4.1 Check network connectivity A 4.2 Check database connectivity A 4.3 Check database user role A 5.1 Theatre manager gets notification of unsuccessful operation. Table 2: Use Case of Performance Scheduling Number: UC02 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Performance Scheduling Status: Actors: Theatre Manager Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Performance planning (UC01) should be inserted into the system. Goal: Define date and time of the performance. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects the desired performance from the system. 2 User enters the date of the performance. 3 User enters the time of the performance. 4 System checks for all required data entry. 5 System connects to the database. 6 System writes data into the database. 7 System shows a confirmation message after successful database writes. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 3.1 Enter required information. A 5.1 Check network connectivity A 5.2 Check database connectivity A 5.3 Check database user role A 6.1 Theatre manager gets notification of unsuccessful operation. Table 3: Use Case of Artist Booking Number: UC03 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Artist Booking Status: Actors: Theatre Manager Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Performance planning (UC01) should be inserted into the system. Goal: Book an artist for the performance. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects the desired performance from the system. 2 User enters the name of the desired artist. 3 System checks for all required data entry. 4 System connects to the database. 5 System writes data into the database. 6 System shows a confirmation message after successful database writes. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 3.1 Enter required information. A 4.1 Check network connectivity A 4.2 Check database connectivity A 4.3 Check database user role A 5.1 Theatre manager gets notification of unsuccessful operation. Table 5: Use Case of Schedule Checking Number: UC04 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Schedule Checking Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Performance scheduling (UC02) should be inserted into the system. Goal: Check the performance schedule for a particular show on a date. Use Case Relationships: Extend: UC01 Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects a desired performance and a date. 2 System shows a confirmation message for the availability of the performance. 3 System allows the user to perform the next event (UC06). Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 1.1 System notifies the user that the performance is unavailable on the desired date. Table 6: Use Case of Check Seat Availability Number: UC05 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Check Seat Availability Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Schedule checking (UC05) should be performed by the user. Goal: Checks for available seats. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects a desired performance and a date. 2 System shows a confirmation message for the availability of the seat. 3 System allows the user to perform the next event (UC07). Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 1.1 System notifies the user that the seat is unavailable for the desired performance. Table 7: Use Case of Capturing Customer Information Number: UC06 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Capture Customer Information Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Seat checking (UC06) should be performed by the user. Goal: Record customer details. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User enters the name, address and telephone number of the customer. 2 System checks for all required data entry. 3 System connects to the database. 4 System writes data into the database. 5 System shows a confirmation message after successful database writes. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 2.1 Enter required information. A 3.1 Check network connectivity A 3.2 Check database connectivity A 3.3 Check database user role A 4.1 User gets notification of unsuccessful operation. Table 8: Use Case of Checking Ticket Price Number: UC07 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Check Ticket Price Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Ticket pricing information (UC04) should be entered into the system. Goal: Check for ticket price for particular show Use Case Relationships: Extend: UC01 Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects a desired performance form the system. 2 System shows the defined pricing for the ticket. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 2.1 Price not found is notified to the user. Table 9: Use Case of Selling Ticket Number: UC08 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Selling Ticket Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Check ticket price (UC08) should be performed by the user. Goal: Record tickets sold. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects the desired performance from the system. 2 User enters ticket selling date and the ticket price for the desired performance. 3 System checks for all required data entry. 4 System connects to the database. 5 System writes data into the database. 6 System shows a confirmation message after successful database writes. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 3.1 Enter required information. A 4.1 Check network connectivity A 4.2 Check database connectivity A 4.3 Check database user role A 5.1 Theatre manager gets notification of unsuccessful operation. Table 10: Use Case of Printing Ticket Number: UC09 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Printing Ticket Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Check ticket price (UC08) should be performed by the user. Goal: Print ticket for the customer Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User triggers the print command for the sold ticket. Alternatives: Index Actor Event A 1.1 Printer not found notification will be given to the user. Table 11: Use Case of Checking Ticket Booking Type Number: UC10 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Check Ticket Booking Type Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Print ticket (UC10) should be performed by the user. Goal: Determine the ticket booking type. Use Case Relationships: Extend: Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User selects the booking type to identify whether the ticket was booked over phone. Alternatives: Index Actor Event Table 12: Use Case of Printing Address Label Number: UC11 Req. Doc Ref: Name: Print Address Label Status: Actors: Clerk Pre-requisites: User should be logged in the system. Ticket booking type (UC11) should be performed by the user. Goal: Print address label for telephone booking Use Case Relationships: Extend: UC11 Include: Association: Generalization: Description: Index Actor Event 1 User triggers the print command to print the address label. Alternatives: Index Actor Event Activity Diagram Based on the system observation, a high level activity diagram is drawn modelling the process of ticket booking for theatre. The activity diagram will bring everybody on a common ground for understanding the system functionalities. Figure 2: Activity Diagram (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Task 2: Structural Modelling Class Diagram (attributes operations) The following diagram depicts the relationships between the classes for Ticket Booking System along with the attributes and the operations. Figure 3: Class Diagram (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Task 3: Behavioural Modelling Sequence Diagram The following diagram is a sequence diagram for buying ticket. There are few things I want to state, that this is just one of the sequences of buying ticket. There could be more alternative sequence for buying ticket. For example, we can choice a performance before buying ticket. But the overall structures of all buying ticket sequence are similar, so, others sequence will not be shown. Figure 4: Sequence Diagram (Create Performance) Figure 5: Sequence Diagram (Schedule Performance) Figure 6: Sequence Diagram (Set price) Figure 7: Sequence Diagram (Sell tickets) State Machine Diagram Below diagram is used to give an abstract description of the behaviour of the ticket booking system. This behaviour is analyzed and represented in series of events that could occur in one or more possible states. Hereby each diagram usually represents objects of a single class and tracks the different states of its objects through the system. Figure 8: State Machine Diagram (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Communication Diagram Communication diagram is similar to sequence diagrams, but it provides an overview of the relationships between objects, rather than focusing on the order of messages between objects, as the software executes. Figure 9: Communication Diagram (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Task 4: Data Protection Law Introduction In Bangladesh Cyber Acts are in a process to be implemented. The Government of Bangladesh has formed National Council for Science and Technology (NCST). The Executive Committee for NCST has also been formed to implement policies formulated by the Council. Currently NCST is working with the general boundaries to protect the ICT industry and specific laws are yet to be decided. For our application we can follow the acts and regulations from UK. Laws, Regulations and Best Practices The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly. The Act works in two ways. Firstly, it states that anyone who processes personal information must comply with eight principles, which make sure that personal information is: Fairly and lawfully processed Processed for limited purposes Adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate and up to date Not kept for longer than is necessary Processed in line with your rights Secure Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection The second area covered by the Act provides individuals with important rights, including the right to find out what personal information is held on computer and most paper records. Data protection laws should be adequate enough to maintain the below options at a minimum- How to access information This allows one to find out what information is held about him/her on a computer and within some manual records, such as medical records, files held by public bodies and financial information held by credit reference agencies. Correcting information This allows one to apply to a court to order a data controller to correct, block, remove or destroy personal details if they are inaccurate or contain expressions of opinion based on inaccurate information. Preventing processing of information This means one can ask a data controller not to process information about him/her that causes substantial unwarranted damage or distress. The data controller is not always bound to act on the request. Preventing unsolicited marketing This means a data controller is required not to process information about one for direct marketing purposes if he/she asks them not to. Preventing automated decision making This means one can object to decisions made only by automatic means. For example, where there is no human involvement. Claiming compensation This allows one to claim compensation through the courts from a data controller for damage, and in some cases distress, caused by any breach of the act. Exempt information This allows one to ask the information commissioner to investigate and assess whether the data controller has breached the act. There should be a committee (in our case NCTS could be the choice) that will have legal powers to ensure that organizations comply with the requirements of the data protection laws. It is notable here that these powers are focused on ensuring that organizations meet the obligations of the act. To promote best practices the regulation- The committee should carry out consensual audits with data controllers to assess their processing of personal information. The committee should see auditing as a constructive process with real benefits for data controllers. The committee should adopt, wherever possible, a participative approach including working closely with the data controller to agree the timing and scope of the audit. Comply with Data Protection Law A short checklist can help us to comply with the data protection laws in our system. Maintaining all the items in the checklist does guarantee compliance but it should mean that we are heading in the right direction. We should store only the related information about the customer and the personnels involved with the system. And we need to make sure that we know what we are going to do with the information. The person should know, what are the information we are holding. He/she should understand what it will be used for. Information should be held securely whether its on the paper or on computer. The system should prevent any unwanted access of its resources. The information should be deleted as soon as there is no need for it. Access control list should be created with a strict need to know to prevent data access from all kind of users of the system. We should train the stuff in their duties and responsibilities under the act that we are putting them in to practice. Recommendations Being a strategic regulator means that, in so far as we have a choice, we have to be selective with our interventions. We will therefore apply our limited resources in ways that deliver the maximum return in terms of a sustained reduction in data protection risk. That is the risk of harm through improper use of personal information. There are priorities we have to set. We need to focus most attention on situations where there is a real likelihood of serious harm. We also need to focus on situations where our intervention is most likely to make a long term as well as a short term difference. When we intervene we must do so in a way that gives us the best possible return and remember that we will often be at our most effective when working closely with others. We are entitled to have legitimate expectations of those who are in a position to influence data protection risk. Our effectiveness depends on them seeking and welcoming our reasonable interventions. Furthermore we have an important international role. Data protection risk in the Bangladesh is increasingly influenced by events worldwide. Our risk-based approach is in line with good regulatory practice. It does not mean that we seek to remove all data protection risk. We do what we can to moderate the most serious risks and protect those who are most vulnerable to improper use of their information. But we will not try to take away freedom of choice and will remember that individuals themselves ought to be best placed to make decisions about their own interests. Part of our job is to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to enable them to make their own well-informed decisions about the use and disclosure of their personal information. Being a strategic regulator also means extending our approach beyond simply improving (through guidance, persuasion and regulatory action) the behaviour of organisations that handle personal information. We also have a legitimate role in informing and influencing the market or political environment in which they operate. Thus we will seek to have long term influence over government and the legislature at Westminster and in the devolved administrations as well as over representative bodies and other stakeholders, to ensure privacy friendly outcomes. We will also seek to influence the legal framework that governs our own work to ensure that data protection requirements are simple, meaningful and proportionate and that we have the flexibility and tools to regulate effectively. Building public confidence in data protection is the key in our approach. We protect people, not just information. This means we need to engage with the public and explain what we do in a way that they can easily understand and relate to. This commitment is at the heart of how we approach our job as data protection regulator and will inform all our data protection tasks including complaints handling and the provision of advice. Task 5: Ticket Printing Produce Tickets To protect the tickets from being forged or copied we can use a barcode on each ticket. Well print a unique 10-digit number as a barcode on the tickets, which will be checked at the entrance with the software and a simple barcode scanner. As each barcode can only be used once to enter, copied or forged tickets are rejected and the revenues are protected. By default, the tickets will be labeled with random numbers with 10 digits, which will serve as copy protection. Figure 10: Sample barcode to print on tickets Seat Allocation Tickets will be printed with seat numbers, with serial numbers. Section names can be in different colours to facilitate orientation. For sections with an aisle a seat description can be added to the seat number (e.g. left, right), which helps the visitor to find the seat. Figure 11: Sample barcode to print on ticket with seat no. Hardware for printing tickets There are numerous tickets available in the market but I found D-Link printers suitable for our system. Below are the details of the hardware- Description: With the DSA-3100 and the DSA-3100P Ticket Printer, businesses and organizations can provide free or fee-based broadband Internet access to their customers or members. No complex billing system is required, guaranteeing a quick and convenient Internet experience for operators and their hot spot users. The DSA-3100P is hassle-free hot spot ticket printer that communicates with the DSA-3100 Public/Private Gateway to generate and print log-in usernames and passwords for the hot spot customers. Patented for easy loading, the DSA-3100P is connected to the DSA-3100 gateway via its RS-232 serial communication. With the DSA-3100P, the DSA-3100 gateway can manage and store up to 2,000 user accounts in its internal database and support up to 50 logged-in users at any time. Features: Printing Method: Thermal Dot Line Printing Print Speed: 80 mm/Second Connectivity: RS-232 Serial Compatibility: D-Link DSA-3100 Public/Private Gateway Specification: Manufacturer D-Link Manufacturer Part # DSA-3100P Device Type Thermal Line Label Printer Media Handling Media Type Receipt Paper Max Media Size 2.2 Max Printing Width 1.9 Roll Maximum Outer Diameter 3.3 Total Capacity 1 Roll Connectivity Interfaces 1 x RS-232 Serial Included Cables 1 x Serial Cable Power Requirements Power Supply External, 3.5 V DC Dimensions(H X W X D) Unit 4.6 x 3.8 x 6.3 Weight Unit 0.9 lbs Price: $375 Figure 12: D-Link DSA-3100P Ticket Printer Task 6: Database Design Database Design Figure 13: Database Design (Performance Planning Ticket Booking) Data Dictionary Table: Artist Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table ArtistID Integer Yes ArtistName Varchar 100 Table: Performance Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table PerformanceID Integer Yes PerformanceName Varchar 100 TicketPriceID Integer TicketPrice ArtistID Integer Artist Table: TicketPrice Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table TicketPriceID Integer Yes PerformanceID Integer Performance TicketPrice Numeric (18,2) Table: PerformanceSchedule Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table ScheduleID Integer Yes PerformanceID Integer Performance PerformanceDate Date Table: Customer Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table CustomerID Integer Yes Name Varchar 100 Address Varchar 250 Telephone Varchar 20 Table: Sales Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table SalesID Integer Yes PerformanceID Integer Performance ScheduleID Integer PerformanceSchedule TicketPriceID Integer TicketPrice CustomerID Integer Customer BookingType Boolean Table: SeatAllocation Attribute Data Type Length Primary Key Ref. Table SeatID Integer Yes SalesID Integer Sales SeatNoFrom Integer SeatNoTo Integer Task 7: Object-Orient Approaches vs. Standard Approaches Standard Approaches Standard approach includes many variations based on techniques used to develop information system with structured and modular programming. Standard analysis and design techniques are a software engineering methodology for describing systems as a hierarchy of functions. Below are the characteristics of Standard Approaches. Approach for structured analysis consists of the following objects: Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) Shows processes and flow of data in and out of these processes. Does not show control structures (loops) Contains 5 graphic symbols (shown later) Uses layers to decompose complex systems Can be used to show logical and physical Is a quantum leap forward to other techniques at the time, I.e. monolithic descriptions with globs of

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The disvantage and advantage of globalization

Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. † (Globalization, 2010). Nowadays, small business has to compete against multinational companies face to face as globalization becomes an irreversible momentum. In some case, small business have no need to against the large companies because they focus on different scale until the small companies grow up.However, I agree that small business in IT industries cannot compete against multinational companies when small companies become threats to the lager ones. In this essay, I will explain why small business still exist today and compare their advantages to multinational companies in the sector of financial strengths and productivity advantages. Small business still exists now because they have unique features, especially they focus on the lower market. It is no need for them to compete against the mul tinational companies Sometimes. Hey sever the specific communities. Such as they are willing to run their small business in some small illegal and remote area where multinational firms do not pay attention to. Enclave, K. (2002) argued that small business have to overcome these rules: â€Å"†¦ Information technology (IT) powerless crowd out product development Initiatives†¦ † It Is clearly that overcoming these sales abstract is difficult but not impossible. Small business has its own advantages because it can use convenient and easy solutions to common business problems.However, low price is the most popular strategy for small business to make profits and attract customers' attention. Small business spends less none on advanced Invention. Comparing Dell Company mentioned by Enclave (2002) that if they want to enlarge their popularity they have prepackaged solutions to meet unique buyer's need. They set up specific system to solve these problems to keep In touch wit h their customers. As a result, they have to Invest more money to the stuff. In order to maintain their cost, they have to raise the selling price. That Is the major reason why small business can exist at present.But after small companies changes into large ones, multinational firms consider those companies as a threat, in order to hold their markets share, which will acquire or knock down small business before they growth. Multinational corporations have financial strength support them to enlarge their market share. As a result, it is relatively easy for them to meet the customers' need and enhance their reputation. Large companies are willing to spend money on observations about what people really need and want to buy. They invest amount of money In advertising their products.For example, IBM personal computer business was acquired by Chinese famous personal computer brand Leno, and hen, spend almost one million hired Chinese famous movie star Jingle Xx as their spokeswomen. Not o nly this, Leno company invest large deal of money to sponsor many activities on television and radio to enhance its popularity. As for small business, they will be asked for achieve their customers' need and have large fund to broaden kinds of products claimed by Enclave (2002). Preston (2010) cited Bob Evans 1 OFF than what you have. † It seems hard for small business to follow multinational companies.Small business have tight budget and less popular than large firms, asking over large companies market stocks is difficult for it. Small companies can still exist because of the scale they were chosen. Sheldon small firms are held in CAB, they chose to serve the limited people instead of making less money because much more large companies in there. Small business avoid compete against large firms directly. Multinationals companies have high productivity benefit from their advanced technology. High technology helps those firms make high profits and also help themselves a lot. The productivity advantage of foreign-owned firms is usually en as reflecting multinationals' technological advantage visa–visa domestic firms. † (Marksmen, 2002 cited by Grammar & G ¶erg, 2007). However, advanced technology plays vital role in processing high productivity. Consumers are more willing to pay more to buy those high quality productions, they believe this goods produced by large companies have quality assurance. Another example to support this argument is by Preston (2010) whose study compares the strategic IT companies in the world.He shows that IBM as a technology provider, grabbing consumer market by its innovation product named Smarter Planet. Some software companies in small scale sell some cheaper goods to make profit, but these products cannot run well in the long term. Consequently, people always spend a lot to repair them. Then, fewer people will purchase their products because of lacking of guarantee. It leads themselves face the big problem that b ankruptcy or acquired by large firms. Grammar (2007) quotes Balk (2001) who stated that different roles in different kinds of economies play various roles for productivity growth.To conclude, Multinational reparations have financial strength support them to enlarge their market share. For instance, improving popularity through advertisement and getting high productivity because of their advanced technology. In some cases, small business has no need to fight against multinational companies as they are focus on different market. When small business growing up, they would be take into consideration by large companies because those firms will reduce their market share. Whether small business should compete against multinational ones or not depend on what market they focus on.

Friday, January 10, 2020

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay about Sociology - 1492 Words

Sociology is a field which developed over a millennia ago, but it was not until the nineteenth century that it came into the fore as a bona fide social science, in need of its own classification apart from other social sciences. Sociology, the study of the process of companionship;(pg.396, Ambercrombie,Hill,Turner), is a discipline, which is not exclusively independent in and of its self, yet borrows from many other disciplines such as: history, geography, and anthropology. American sociology is fundamentally analytical and empirical; it proposes to examine the way of life of individuals in the societies amp;#8230; prefers to explain institutions and structures in terms of the behavior of individuals and the goals, mental states,†¦show more content†¦A powerful group is usually able to coerce or manipulate subordinate classes (through force, threat of force, withholding of jobs, or other means) because of the dominate groups influence over basic institutions in the society ( such as the economy, government, courts, and police)(pg.88, Kerbo).; The critical-conflict theorist, I feel is the most plausible is Karl Marx and his Marxian view of social stratification and inequality. Marx viewed capitalism as a mode of production that results in the exploitation and virtual enslavement of the wage laborer by the owner of capital. Marx recognized various modes of production and considered each to be associated with a particular social structure (pg. 348, Marx).; Capitalism as a mode of production consisted of two factors, the means and modes of production. The means of production incorporate the material, instrument, and product of labour,; and these determine the relations of production which are the relative position[s] of these individual groups; to one another (pg.161, Marx). Capitalism, Marx believed, was fueled by greed for increased wealth at the expense of laborers and to the ultimate destruction of the entire system. Marx said that capitalism would, create bourgeois society (pg.363, Marx).; The combination of the influen ce on the social structure and structural changes produced the social structure that fundamentally characterizesShow MoreRelatedSocial, Sociology, And Sociology857 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals who need that extra support. Social work as a subject area includes elements of psychology, law and sociology. Social policy is the study of various areas of policy, within political or governmental setting, and is concerned with everything from the welfare state, to social services. Social policy is an academic study of theory, rather than current policies and draws from psychology, sociology, philosophy, and economics. What A Levels do I need? Each university will ask for varying grades and tariffRead MoreSociology : The Function Of Sociology951 Words   |  4 PagesSociology Observation Essay Sociology is the study of development and functioning of humans in society, in other words how a person reacts in a certain situation. Although hard to understand, sociology has many important points that add into the development of someones personality, values, religion, education, etc. As Pierre Bourdieu once said â€Å"The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.† In this case, the social group that I had studied for 24 hours had manyRead MoreThe Basic Tools Of Sociology And Sociology1034 Words   |  5 PagesArgument: In this piece, Weber outlines the basic tools of sociology and distinguishes sociology as a social science. Weber’s main message in this piece is that that social sciences should be equivalent to natural sciences, and in order to do so, laws should be made within the field. Secondly, he wanted to bring history and sociology together with causal relationships, in doing so he would also analyze the individual’s social action. He mentions that action is only social when it is oriented to theRead MoreSociology1259 Words   |  6 PagesThe concept of sociology had been recognized by independent philosophers since the dawn of organized civilization. Philosophers such as Confucius and Xenophanes in their works had hinted at the clash of cultures and social hierarchy. Later, in the 14th century, Arab scholars such as Al Jahiz and Ibn Khalduns compliled books on the history of society itself. These works are known to be forerunners of sociology. In fact, books written by Ibn K haldun on social cohesion and conflict were translatedRead MoreSociology1447 Words   |  6 Pagescome to be called the labour process approach. †¢ Context for Braverman: ⠝‘ Braverman associated with Monthly Review journal – founded in 1949 by Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman. An influential journal but little impact on American sociology. Best known product of this school is Baran and Sweezy’s Monopoly Capital (1966). Indeed, Braverman’s analysis of work is predicated theoretically upon Baran and Sweezy’s analysis of ‘Monopoly Capital’ [ie oligopolistic, ‘organized’ capitalism. Read MoreSociology1681 Words   |  7 Pagesfunctionalism) of social class .Following this, it will look at the changes of social class. Finally, it will discuss weather the class of Britain will be dead. Theories of social class There are three basic theories which can explain social class in the sociology history. Marxism was established by Karl Marx(1813-1883).Marx explained that a social class is a group of people who have common relationship to the means of production. For Marx (2008:26), society was characterizes by two social groups: bourgeoisieRead MoreSociology1711 Words   |  7 Pagestake away from this is that you don’t shape reality, culture shapes you and how you view reality. For people who don’t know what sociology is or had no idea what it was before entering the class as I did myself, it can be simply described as a study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. A way of understanding sociology can be done through your own sociological imagination. It would be a tool that provides many important perspectives on the worldRead MoreSociology : Sociology And Sociological Thinking978 Words   |  4 PagesSociology and sociological thinking are a vital part of society, and through examining both society and individuals, sociology is able to make changes to areas such as policies, and attitudes that may have usually negatively affected them, and instead gained a positive result through the careful research, and applied knowledge. Sociology is the study of groups and individuals and the cause and effects of each, to each other, and overall society. ‘Sociology is a technical and difficult subject andRead MoreSociology And The Theoretical Perspectives Of Sociology1710 Words   |  7 PagesSociology is seen every day in our lives as humans, it is the scientific study of human behavior and society. The idea of sociology has not been around forever. The term sociology comes from a man named Auguste Comte who takes credit for this study. Not only did Comte come up with this idea but there were several things that influenced the study of Sociology and how we view it today. These influences are called the origins of sociology and they include; new idea or discipline, Industrial RevolutionRead MoreSociology : Social Science And Sociology1386 Words   |  6 Pagesto the history of sociology, it was the nineteenth century that sociology emerged, with the word ‘ sociology ’ appeared in the Cours de ph ilosophie Positive Book 4[ Auguste Comte,1838 Cours de philosophie Positive] by Comte in 1838. The social forces, however, were complicated actually, which included both social, economical, cultural and even a little bit of political or religious elements. This essay explains these factors in the following part. 2.1 Social Science and Sociology The philosophes